How To Build Your Own Solar Paneling Quickly And Easily

Building your own solar panel is part of the answer to the problems of today’s fuel problems. Well, at least as far as cutting expenses is concerned.

You can build lots of solar panels for less than a hundred dollars and then install your own solar modules. And at the same time it is also an answer to living green. As the esteemed Nobel laureate Albert Einstein said, “This is obtained due to the natural elements such as silicon.”, When this element (in the right form) is exposed to direct sunlight it causes an electric charge to be produced.

It is this principal that is the basis for solar panels. This principle is called the photovoltaic effect.

But what exactly is a solar panel? Well, a solar panel is a device that is able to convert the energy of photons of light into electricity.
The best solar cells using silicon are processed, but this material is very expensive for processing and therefore to purchase.

On the plus side, silicon is not the only element that is capable of exhibiting the photoelectric effect. On the down side is that the other elements are less efficient in the way they generate the flow of electricity.

The easiest way to build your own solar paneling system is to actually buy solar cells and assemble them into panels. Actually,
when buying silicon solar cells it would be cheaper to buy second hand or even damaged cells.

As long as the cells are intact, they should work. You will need to spend some time to make sure that they are working by testing and soldering them together.

Note that each cell generates a certain voltage regardless of the size of the cell, and that electricity production increases with the size of the overall panel. Also, be aware that the cells need to be the same size so the current produced is not limited by the dimensions of the smallest cell.

Because silicon solar cells are very fragile, they must be made rigid so that they are protected from damage caused by bending.
A typical frame of a solar panel is made from wood, but it can also be made of metal, like aluminium. The solar panel’s front can be made from glass or acrylic, commercially known as Plexiglas.

The frame is usually rectangular in form with multiple rows and columns of solar cells closely placed together.

The loom must be large enough to cover the solar cells. However,
before attaching the solar cells together they must be tested to see if they can generate a current. To do this you use a basic voltmeter and see if there is any charge when the cell is illuminated by sunlight.

Solar cells are typically placed close together with the thin wires facing outwards and their tabs wired together. Because the plates can produce more than ten amps of current, they can be wired with heavy wire hooks.

Once the cells are arranged positive lead to the negative lead of the next cell and connected, they need to be attached to the frame with an adhesive. When this is done the final test is to see if the whole panel  produces the expected voltage.

If it does then the cover can be screwed down and sealed with silicone sealant around the frame’s edge so to protect against water.

This is very briefly how you would build your own solar paneling system.

This is a great way to slash your electricity bills!

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